Friday, 27 December 2019

6 Things to Look Out For in a Life Partner. Number 2 and 3 are very Important

When it comes to choosing a life partner, one has to be really careful because the choice you make today determines how the rest of your life would look like. 

There are some things you should consider in a spouse before getting married. These things may seem trivial but they are highly important, if not managed well, they can break your home. Some of them are:

1. Choose someone who respects you and Shares Same Value

It is difficult to live with someone who disrespects you, your personality or downplays your ambitions in life. When choosing a life partner be sure to select someone who will respect all aspects of your life. Mutual respect is one of the defining traits to look for in a life partner. Also, you and your partner should share the same values. It helps in reinforcing the foundation of your relationship. Stuff like agreeing on the number of children you want or the particular location you want to live in creates a conducive environment for your relationship to thrive.

2. Sexual Compatibility

If you're a guy with a high sex drive who wants a lot of sex in marriage, find a woman who has already had a healthy sex life and discusses sex openly. By so doing, you'd be able to scale through the ups and downs of sex drive and not fall into a sexless marriage. Sexual openness is very important. You and your partner should be able to talk about sex and understand each other's bodies appropriately.

3. Ability to Accommodate Your family

Your family will always be paramount in your life. They can tell if your potential life partner is suitable or unsuitable for you. If he or she cannot cope with your family members, you might as well be going for the wrong life partner.

4. Intellectual level

If you are a high achiever and aggressive in pursuing your dreams, consider a person with the same attributes. Choosing a laid-back person could cause problems in your relationship. Both of you must view things and reason almost from the same standpoint. Among all the things to look out for when choosing a life partner, having a similar intellectual prowess is key.

5. Ability to Forgive and Forget

Love isn't always about sex, romance and other happy moments. Arguments can occur in one way or the other. Be careful not to choose a partner who keeps dwelling on disagreements that happened in the past. This alone can drain you of positive energy.

6. Ability to Control His/Her Temper

The ability to control one's temper is a very important thing to look out for when choosing a life partner.

A relationship involves two people with unique personalities. At times, you would certainly have ugly arguments in which negative emotions are high. You might say hurtful things about one another. How your potential life partner reacts to anger reveals a lot about future reactions. If your potential life partner cannot manage his/her temper, the situation can get out of control when you get married and may eventually result in a divorce.

When it comes to choosing a life partner for marriage, you have to make use of both your heart and brain in order not to make a decision you may end up regretting in the future.


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