Thursday, 26 December 2019

7 Things You Should Never Apologize For

Have you ever felt guilty for doing something that made you happy? Are there people in your life who make you feel bad about things that aren’t even your fault?

Having the humility and decency to apologize for our mistakes is an admirable quality to have. It’s important for us to know when we’ve done something bad or hurt others with our words or actions, so we’re raised to behave, be polite, and learn to say sorry.

But what happens when we let it get out of hand? Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why you feel the need to say sorry all the time, even when you’re not wrong?

If you struggle with the unhealthy habit of apologizing too much, even for things that shouldn’t be held against you, then it’s time for you to change. You need to realize that there are certain things in life that you should never have to apologize for, and to help you, here are 7 great examples of that:

1. Being Successful

While it should seem obvious to all of us, nobody should ever have to apologize for being successful. Accomplishments should be celebrated, not shamed, but there are some people out there who feel jealous of what you’ve achieved and will try to make you feel bad for it. Don’t give them the satisfaction of getting to you. You worked hard to make something of yourself, and you should be proud of it. Know that you deserve your success and don’t let other people take that pride away from you.

2. Spending Your Money

If you’re spending your own hard-earned money on things you feel are important to you, then there’s no need for you to feel bad. You’re free to spend your money on whatever you want, because you’ve earned it. Rewarding ourselves helps motivate us to do better, and it makes us feel good about the work that we do and the goals that we achieve. As long as you’re not spending too extravagantly or neglecting any financial obligations, you don’t owe anyone an apology.

3. Saying No When You Need To

It’s hard not to feel sorry when we can’t give someone what they want from us, but there comes a time when we have to stand our ground and assert ourselves. It might not always feel like the right thing to do, but you need to take control of your life and say no to things you can’t or don’t want to do. Otherwise, you might end up regretting your actions, hating yourself for it, and resenting the other person for ever putting you in this position.

4. Ignoring Other People’s Drama

Do you have anyone in your life who always comes to you with their problems? Someone who’s constantly trying to suck you into their needless drama? If you answered yes, then you’ve probably wanted to tell this person you’re tired of listening to their dilemmas and tried to distance yourself from them at one time or another. And that’s okay! There’s nothing wrong with wanting to prioritize more important matters in your life. Getting caught up in another person’s drama can be emotionally exhausting, so you shouldn’t have to apologize for wanting some peace of mind every once in a while.

5. Ending Toxic Relationships

It can be difficult to accept that, sometimes, the people we love aren’t good for us. But when you’re in a relationship – be it with a friend, family member, or significant other – with a toxic person, who mistreats you and exploits you time and time again, you owe it to yourself to cut ties with them and leave them behind. People like these are a negative influence in your life who will only bring you down and rob you of all your happiness, motivation, and self-esteem if you give them a chance, so don’t feel bad about ending your relationship with them.

6. Asking For Help

No matter how hard we might try, nobody has all the answers in life. You can’t do or figure everything out by yourself, so don’t be afraid to reach out to others and ask for their help when you need it. You shouldn’t let people treat you as if you’re such an unbearable burden for asking for their help when you really need it.

7. Wanting To Be Happy

Last but definitely not the least, you should never apologize for wanting to be happy. Whether it means chasing your dreams, being yourself, or taking care of your personal needs, you don’t owe anyone an apology or an explanation for how you choose to be happy. Nobody has the right to ask you to change, prioritize them over yourself, or sacrifice all your hopes and aspirations for their sake. Don’t let their judgment or negativity keep you from doing what you love and pursuing the things that truly matter to you.

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